Members of Nyakabungo village in Kagadi district have praised URDT for its efforts in transforming rural areas. URDT, in collaboration with communities, established Epicenters in 20 districts to facilitate the diffusion of the visionary approach and enable sustainable transformation of rural economies. The Epicenter Concept was designed as a strategy to expedite the development of communities and build capacity at various levels, including Sub County, Village, and Individual.

The Epicenters are managed by graduates from the African Rural University (ARU) who work closely with Community Development Officers. Therefore, the Epicenter strategy is well-positioned to contribute to the realization of Uganda Vision 2040.

In Kagadi, members of Nyakabungo village, under their group Nyakabungo Family Farmer Learning group in Ruteete Sub County, lauded URDT for its visionary approach towards Rural Transformation. This was expressed by Mugisha Silvano and his wife Generous Nyamihanda during an interview at their ancestral home in Nyakabungo village, Rutete Sub County, Kagadi district. The couple had hosted members of the Nyakabungo FFL Group, led by URDT’s Ruteete Sub County-based Epicenter Manager, Oliver Twikirize, during their weekly Wednesday meetings.

Nyakabungo FFL Group members meet every Wednesday to strengthen the implementation of their projects. According to Silvano, ever since he adopted URDT’s visionary approach, he now owns a number of projects like organic vegetable growing, a banana plantation, a coffee garden, pig and goat rearing.

Coffee garden and pine apple intercroped with Bananas and beans

“I can confirm to you that I have changed my life in terms of livelihood because I can afford three meals daily and pay school fees for my children since URDT intervened, and I am hopeful that I will have even more,” Silvano assures.

Engulfed with joy, Silvano’s wife, Ms. Generous, explained that URDT’s approach has not only enabled food security in their family but has also improved their health and sanitation.

“URDT has also enabled us to sort out the issue of gender-based violence in our family, unlike the past, because now we work as a team for shared development.”

Ms. Generous expressing her gratitude to URDT

Oliver Twikirize, URDT’s Epicenter Manager in Ruteete Sub County, revealed that she is currently implementing the Visionary Approach Program in two villages, Nyakabungo and Nyabwejereka, both in Ruteete Sub County, Kagadi district. She says her role is to create change in the community for fundamental results.

The approach (Visionary Approach) covers Good Governance, Monitoring & Evaluation, and Reporting by strictly following the Structural Tension Chart. These core areas are attached to policy issues of Mastery of principles of sustainable development. She is optimistic that within the targeted one-year program, the two villages will be role models for other neighboring areas.

Goat rearing at the home of Silvano

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