URDT/ARU is set to pilot the Community Asset Voucher program for rural transformation
The Uganda Rural Development and Training Programme (URDT), in partnership with Grassroots Economics (GE) of Kenya, is set to pilot…
The Uganda Rural Development and Training Programme (URDT), in partnership with Grassroots Economics (GE) of Kenya, is set to pilot the Community Asset Voucher system in rural communities of Uganda,
In a heartfelt gesture of appreciation, African Rural University Vice Chancellor - Dr. Mwalimu Musheshe Ashoka Fellow, has expressed gratitude to the Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom for honoring Uganda Rural Development
It is with deep sadness that we share the news of the passing of our Mother Organisation URDT’s co-founder, Silvana Franco Veltkamp . Silvana Franco Veltkamp was born in North
Three graduates of Uganda Rural Development and Training Institute (URDT-I) showcase skills and their products at Helipad gardens, Serena Hotel in Kampala. The showcase took place on 23rd October, 2023
Mwalimu Musheshe is co-founder of the Uganda Rural Development and Training Programmme (URDT) He is also founder of African Rural University and other institutions especially for unprivileged girl child, like the URDT Girls School, URDT Institute, Nkondo Secondary School and Kanywamiyaga Primary school. In partnership with the communities of Kagadi, he founded the Kagadi Kibaale Community Radio, KKCR 91.7. He sought to address the missing link in development programmes, the merger of functional education, training and participatory action research using the principles of creating and systems thinking. With his work he has changed how academics, policy makers, and business people approach rural development issues. (He has over 40 year of experience in this field)
A learning organization and center for reflection and development that has participatory and interactive professional management that also enhances support from communities, volunteers, donors and government partners
Enable the people of Uganda to recognize and embody common vision, values and work together to create for themselves peace, prosperity freedom, health and happiness as they discover that are key to their own development.
1-Forgiving, 2 -Humility, 3-Integrity, 4 -Kindness, 5-Moral excellence, 6-Perseverance, 7-Respect, 8 -Tolerance, 9-Sharing, 10-Voluntarism.
The Uganda Rural Development and Training Programme (URDT), in partnership with Grassroots Economics (GE) of Kenya, is set to pilot…
In a heartfelt gesture of appreciation, African Rural University Vice Chancellor – Dr. Mwalimu Musheshe Ashoka Fellow, has expressed gratitude…
It is with deep sadness that we share the news of the passing of our Mother Organisation URDT’s co-founder, Silvana…
Clearly, there is a demand to apply and upscale URDT’s methodology to a larger population.
Learn more about the work that the Uganda Cancer Institute (UCI) and the Uganda Rural Development and Training Programme (URDT) are doing in the PRESCRIP-TEC project to eliminate Cervical Cancer as a public health problem in remote areas of Uganda.
The Uganda Rural Development and Training programme (URDT) was founded to address the missing link in development programmes: the merger of truly functional education and training with rural development interventions, with the intent of empowering and energizing marginalized people living in rural communities.
Since 1987, URDT has been working with the rural people to create for themselves prosperity, peace, health, happiness and freedom. Together with the population URDT has evolved, applied, tested, and documented a rural development methodology based on the principles of the creative process and systems thinking.
Please contact us at: Uganda Rural Development & Training Programme Located in Kagadi town council, Kagadi District, Greater Kibaale, Bunyoro Region, Uganda-Africa Contact office – Plot 617 Rubaga Kibuga Block-4, P. O. Box, 16184 Kampala, Uganda.
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