Strategic objectives:
- Rural communities have improved capacity to participate in the conservation and development of their cultural assets and natural endowments;
- Rural communities have improved knowledge of their intellectual property rights over endogenous and natural resources.
This is done through:
- Preserving cultural wisdom of managing communal assets as part of African renaissance or re-awaking is central to sustainable development;
- Management of cultural assets centre that is open to the public (see picture);
- Support to the Bunyoro Kingdom to promote unity in diversity and development projects;
- Recording of traditional and new songs and dances;
- Heritage and cultural diversity education in schools;
- Teach students to play traditional instruments;
- Consciousness raising on sustainable agriculture, global warming and climate change and intellectual property rights;
- Bio diversity conservation;
Cultural Assets Centre

URDT has set up a cultural assets centre to promote heritage and cultural diversity. The cultural assets centre is open to the public and receives around 1000 visitors each year.
URDT has plans to establishing a wildlife education centre. It does this in collaboration with the Uganda Wild Life Authority. It seeks volunteers to support URDT to attain that vision.
URDT is also a member of the African Peace Murals Uganda (APMU). Its mission is to promote Peace through Art and Culture. It participated in the first Art educators’ conference 25th July 2013 to explore art educational practices in Uganda at primary, secondary and tertiary levels.
URDT was chosen as the APMU ambassador for the western region to prepare for the World Children’s Festival 2013 – 2016 Uganda Arts Olympiad. It is a global program that commences in classrooms worldwide, and inspires community celebrations of children’s creativity in many countries. It leads to the World Children’s Festival in Washington DC and culminates in international exhibitions at major venues in 2016